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Simple multi language site


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Hello everyone,

first of all, I'm not a professional developer or anything, just trying to help some friends out :)

I'm working on a site with only two pages (home + about), like a simple portfolio.

But those pages should be available in 3 languages.

I've read about the same approach here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3074-simple-multi-language-site-best-approach/?hl=%2Bmulti+%2Blanguage

But since LLU seems not to be the choice anymore, I'm wondering what's the best solution for the 2 menu items I got (home + about) to pick the equivalent pages of their language, not the default. (see post #6 above)

Btw: I didn't create 3 different trees, but I used the root tree as default (german language) and added 2 more trees (spanish + english) with a spanish home + about site and a english home + about site...

Is that correct or do I have to add another german subtree?

thanks in advance..

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uh...I've tried the Multi Page Name Core plugin again and this time I think understood it right...so no need for trees anymore, I guess.

I'm still figuring out how to do the menu thing etc, but I'll report back asap


Alright. I filled in all the fields, not too much since I only need title + body.

Now I read up here: http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-fields/

and I'm trying to follow Front End Example 2.

But I get a error when trying to enter the site:

"Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Error has been logged."

Any ideas whats wrong?

Perhabs I should mention, that I'm using double subnamespaces for testing. PW site is subns.domain.com and I followd the example 2 by adding en.subns.domain.com for english and same way for spanish..

Sorry, I'm a bit in a hurry and obviously I'm trying to solve it too fast. Found the problem, I used the wrong URL in head.inc (I linked to language title instead of name; "$languages->get("spanish");" didn't work, "$languages->get("es");" works now!

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uh...I've tried the Multi Page Name Core plugin again and this time I think understood it right...so no need for trees anymore, I guess.

I'm still figuring out how to do the menu thing etc, but I'll report back asap

There's no harm in going the multi-tree route. Technically, it's probably the simplest to understand and implement. But it is also more work to maintain as it grows. As things get larger, I think you'd enjoy having the Multi Language Page Names + Multi Language Fields modules handling it for you. So it sounds like you are on the right track. Though if you are literally talking about a tiny site (you mentioned 2 pages?) I'd keep it simpler and just use multi-trees, though I think it's still a good experience regardless of what multi-language setup you use. 

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