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Thumbnail Module: Test If An Image Field Contains A Thumbnail


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I wrote a helper function that takes an image field instance and returns its respective <img> ... /> HTML.

After installing the Thumbnail module I wanted to always output the thumbnail if present. 

In order to determine of an image has an additional thumbnail, I tested for the 'getThumb' method that is added by the module to  PageImage. However, the following code always returned the path to the original image, even if a thumbnail was present:

$url = method_exists($image, 'getThumb') ? $image->getThumb('thumbnail') : $image->url;

This leads me to the following questions:

  1. Why does the above code not work?
  2. Is there a better way to differentiate between a 'normal' image field and one that can contain a thumbnail?



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Hi bytesource,

1) This won't work because the getThumb method is added dynamically with a hook. Most likely 'method_exists' will look for static methods in classes, that's because false is returned.

2) After taking a short look at the description of the module, this could work:

if ($imageField->type == 'FieldtypeCropImage') {
  //... Thumbnails
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I think that you could do this: 

if(count($image->getHooks('getThumb'))) {
  $url = $image->getThumb('thumbnail'); 
} else {
  $url = $image->url(); 

another way:

try {
  $url = $image->getThumb('thumbnail'); 
} catch(Exception $e) {
  $url = $image->url(); 
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I tried your code, but $image->type does not produce any output. 

I have to admint I am not quite sure what FieldtypeCropImage stands for. As far as I understand $image is still an instance of PageImage, with a dynamically added 'getThumb' method. Indeed, the following always returns 'original image'

if ($image instanceof PageImage) echo "original image";
else echo "thumbnail";
// => original image


I like your second suggestion. It works perfectly.



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Sorry, I was wrong.

type exists on the field object. So this should also work:

if ($fields->get('yourImageFieldName')->type == 'FieldtypeCropImage') {
  // Thumbnail

FieldtypeCropImage is the Fieldtype used by a thumbnails image field.

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