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Using another page field as selector for selectable pages in Page field


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Hello guys!

I have a site where product template has Page field for Vendors and Product Families. All families allways belong under specific vendor so tree looks like this:

  • Vendor 1
    • Family A
    • Family B
  • Vendor 2
    • Family C
    • Family D

I'd like to have only those families selectable that belong to selected vendor: If page has Vendor 1 selected, options for Families would be Family A and B. If there is no vendor set, then all families would be selectable.

I've tried to set parent=$vendor, template=vendor and parent=$page->vendor, template=vendor for Custom selector in input tab but this throws error on page edit: Unknown Selector operator: '=$' -- was your selector value properly escaped? So variables don't seem to work here.

I also tried $pages->find("parent=$page->vendor, template=vendor"); to Custom PHP field. This doesn't throw any errors but doesn't display any options either.

Is this possible to achieve some way?

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The $page var in the custom PHP field is "broken" in 2.3 as it doesn't return the page edited anymore but the process page edit.

I just got a problem with this yesterday when updating a website to latest PW.

I fixed it by using $_GET['id'] to get the id of the page being edited.

$p = $pages->get($_GET['id']);
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It's working!

I also noticed that I forgot to return value and was using wrong template selector at my previous attempt but this got the work done:

$p = $pages->get($_GET['id']);
return $pages->find("parent=$p->vendor, template=family");

Very nice. Thank you again Soma, you're always super helpful!

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