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Login after installation


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I just installed PW2 on a Ubuntu Server for testing purposing and seeing if I could use your CMS on some futures projects and after I installed it, I can't access the login zone.

I installed it on a vhost and, for a reason I don't know, if I go on my website www.test.local/processwire, it show me the home page of the site... If I try www.test.local/processwire/login it give me a 404...

My vhost is properly configured but I can't find why I can't reach the login zone.

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It sounds like you might not have Apache mod_rewrite, or you maybe missing the /.htaccess file in your ProcessWire/site root dir. Also, check to make sure that you don't have an empty dir called "ProcessWire" off of your installation. If you do, just remove it. That can happen if you move all the files out of the default dir it unzips to, which I sometimes do... and because it's the same name as the default admin login URL, it can show you a 404 rather than the admin page. Let me know what you find.

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mod_rewrite is installed and running, my .htaccess is on the root of the site and active and I haven't created a folder named processwire. I just tried to reinstall it on a fresh vhost and it give me the same error... Kinda weird no?

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Two things to try:

On your first server, check that .htaccess is working. You can tell by editing it and putting in some junk characters on the first line, like "alfkjeafkljaeglk". Then save. Load the site. If you get a 500 Internal Server Error, then your htaccess is being read by Apache. If you don't, then Apache isn't reading your .htaccess file. I'm guessing that's the case. To fix it, add this to the entry in your httpd.conf vhosts section:

AllowOverride All

OR, copy all of ProcessWire's .htaccess directives and just put them in your vhost section of httpd.conf. I recommend doing AllowOverride All so you don't have to go manually update your httpd.conf when you do upgrades.

On the second server, we can find what the problem by editing /site/config.php and changing $config->debug = false, to $config->debug = true. Reload and it'll tell you what's up. Paste the error in here.



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I've tried what you've said but still doesn't work.

I just looked my a2 error log file and something goes wrong...

When i ask for the website www.test.local it show me the site.

When I ask for the admin site www.test.local/processwire he goes out of my vhost and instead of looking for /var/websites/www.test.local he try to reach /var/www/processwire wich, of course, doesn't even exist because processwire is installed under /var/websites/www.test.local...

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That sounds like some server/virtual server misconfiguration – it goes to absolute URL /url/something, but instead having /var/www/test.local as root, it thinks /var/www/

I'm not going to ask you whether it worked before :), but maybe post a little about your LAMP stack too?

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I agree with Adam. It does sound to me like something is going on with the apache configuration because where would /var/www/ be coming from if it didn't exist? I'm guessing it must be somewhere in the apache config. If you'd like, post your phpinfo or email it to me, and that may provide some answers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Try adding the line 'RewriteBase /' to the top of your .htaccess file so that it looks as follows.


Options -Indexes
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
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  • 8 months later...

I just ran into this problem.

You can edit the .htaccess file robustly like so to catch every instance of this:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ProcessWire requires mod_rewrite
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

 RewriteEngine On

 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Reset directory prefix for mass virtual hosting
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 <IfModule mod_vhost_alias.c>
   RewriteBase /

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