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Logo not visible – Site httpHosts order?


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I have problems with websites where logos are not displayed when the website is first called up.

Is there a difference whether a website is accessed with or without 'www.'? When I open a site via www. ... the logo is displayed, without only when the user clicks on a link on the page.

$config->httpHosts = array('mysite.com', 'www.mysite.com');

Does the order in which I place it matter?

The problem is that search engines find it different, sometimes with, sometimes without www … and the logo is missing.

The code of the svg logo

<img data-src="<?= urls()->templates ?>assets/images/logo.svg" uk-svg>


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It's recommended to decide for one version (with or without www) and always redirect to the one and only.

In the default ProcessWire htaccess file, there are predefined rules to do that (remove # from the "Rewrite..." lines to enable the rules).

I don't think the order matters, but not sure on this one.

What happens when you access the full logo.svg URL without www?


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