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Event listener in InputfieldRockPageBuilder.js getting false positives for RPB content changes


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Just ran into a conflict between RPB and other fields on the page. I'm using a custom inputfield that uses Quill as the editor. There's an event listener that is catching changes in an instance of a Quill input while the field is located outside of RPB blocks.

InputfieldRockPageBuilder.js  L327

// monitor inline ckeditor fields
$(document).on("blur keyup paste input", "[contenteditable]", function (e) {

Quill uses a contenteditable attribute for the editor so an instance of that field anywhere on the page is triggering a RPB field update event.

// monitor inline ckeditor fields
$(document).on("blur keyup paste input", ".rpb-item [contenteditable]", function (e) {

I scoped the event listener selector by adding .rpb-item and that kept it from firing when editing a Quill field, but I don't have any CKEditor fields to test whether that affects other fields.

"That fixed it for me, don't know if it breaks something for someone else." 😆

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