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Settings showIf not showing if


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I tried to create a showIf with two select fields but couldn't get it to work properly. I copy/pasted the example from the docs directly in case I was missing something but I still can't get it to work.

My attempt:


    'name' => 'image_location_horizontal',
    'label' => 'Image Location',
    'value' => $field->input('image_location_horizontal', 'select', [
        '*right' => 'Right',
        'left' => 'Left',
        'center' => 'Center',

    'name' => 'body_location_vertical',
    'label' => 'Body Location',
    'value' => $field->input('body_location_vertical', 'select', [
        '*above_feature' => 'Above Feature',
        'below_feature' => 'Below Feature',
    'showIf' => 'image_location_horizontal=center',

Tried searching to see if this has come up for anyone else but didn't see anything.

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Hey @FireWire when working on the new settings syntax & docs I tried this example and it worked as expected: https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockpagebuilder/docs/settings/#conditionals-showif

Is this still an issue for you?

I just checked with your example and everything works as expected there as well!

   * (Optional) Settings of this block
   * You can access settings of the block via $block->settings() or access
   * a single setting via $block->settings('foo') or $block->settings('bar')
   * If you don't want any settings for your block you can remove this method.
  public function settingsTable(\ProcessWire\RockFieldsField $field)
    $settings = $this->getSettings();

      'name' => 'image_location_horizontal',
      'label' => 'Image Location',
      'value' => $field->input('image_location_horizontal', 'select', [
        '*right' => 'Right',
        'left' => 'Left',
        'center' => 'Center',

      'name' => 'body_location_vertical',
      'label' => 'Body Location',
      'value' => $field->input('body_location_vertical', 'select', [
        '*above_feature' => 'Above Feature',
        'below_feature' => 'Below Feature',
      'showIf' => 'image_location_horizontal=center',

    return $settings;


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