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Can anyone advise / assist with a site recovery?...


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I'm not terribly active here - I'm a designer, not a developer - and I have a working knowledge of, and have created sites with, ProcessWire in the past. A developer friend I used to freelance with, who was an avid user of ProcessWire, passed away in 2020 at the top of the pandemic. Every now and again, a site he developed hits my desk, because the client knows me, and assumes I'm the same as Anthony (the late friend). If it's garden variety HTML/CSS/PHP or basic ProcessWire issues, I can usually help. Not this time.

The issue: the client doesn't have login credentials. All he has is a dev server link from 2016 that no longer exists. He's not tech savvy, and doesn't understand a live server vs a dev server or what information I'm asking him for. From my past projects with Anthony, our login path was usually one of a couple variations of websiteurl.com/someadminpathname <- and I've tried each one we commonly used, but he didn't use any of them on this site, for some reason. So, I'm not sure if MY usual credentials would even work or whether I'm in the db at all. Anthony often made me an admin on sites he developed incase my help was needed, but I can't even test my creds, because I can't figure out the admin pathway, and my client doesn't know what to look for in the 100+ emails between them from 2016.

So, either there's a ProcessWire "magic trick" that can reveal the admin pathway, or I need some guidance on where in the ProcessWire files this information could be found and edited, and if neither of us have active credentials, how can they be injected into the database? Or how can Anthony's legacy credentials be found?

This could either be some guidance from members, or we might hire someone to spend some time helping us by doing this investigative work, if it's not as easy as a few posts here.

Any help?

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If you have access to a front-end template or a script that can execute PHP within your ProcessWire environment...add this code temporarily.

echo wire('config')->urls->admin;

This will output the admin URL, e.g., websiteurl.com/processwire/.

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