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Handling a callback from an API


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I'm in the process of developing a module, that will need to handle callbacks from the third-party API.

The pages for the callback will need to be accessible from frontend without a login, what's the best way to handle this from a module. Is it possible to do without manually creating the pages... I guess some sort of registering a URL that processwire will send to the module to do the processing

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So I've got the URL Hooks working wonderfully! makes it really easy to create some custom logic to handle things

At the moment, I'm using a mixture of urlSegments (for one route e.g. /shop) and urlHooks (for the backend json stuff at /api/<stuff here>).

Is it possible to use the urlHooks to create a something similar to the urlSegments. I see in the documentation you can return a page, but is it possible to create the hooks function that would get a template and do the necessary before returning that to the user? I guess something similar to the way the an admin module can use views for the pages, and the function just pushes the data into that page.

Hopefully that makes sense! 🤔

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Time to answer my own question... and love it or hate it AI came up with the goods on this one!

Defining the urlHook as follows:

public function init() {
    $this->addHook('/custom-url/', $this, 'handleCustomURL');

And the handleCustomURL function (this was the second iteration I got for this to include having a default template in the module, whilst allowing them to be overridden in the site/templates/ folder):

public function handleCustomURL(HookEvent $event) {
    // Path to the override template in the site's templates directory
    $overrideTemplatePath = $this->config->paths->templates . 'custom-template.php';

    // Path to the default template in the module's directory
    $defaultTemplatePath = $this->config->paths->siteModules . $this->className() . '/templates/custom-template.php';

    // Determine which template to use
    $templatePath = file_exists($overrideTemplatePath) ? $overrideTemplatePath : $defaultTemplatePath;

    // Check if the determined template exists (for safety)
    if (!file_exists($templatePath)) {
        throw new Wire404Exception("Template not found");

    // Render the template and pass variables
    $output = $this->files->render($templatePath, [
        'someVariable' => 'someValue',
        // Add additional data if needed

    // Output the rendered content
    echo $output;

    // Stop further processing
    $event->replace = true;

I did make a small to change to the end of the function as follows:

    // Output the rendered content
    //echo $output;
	return $output;

    // Stop further processing - Doesn't look like this is needed!
    // $event->replace = true;

Not sure any amount of Google-Fu would have got me to this, so it's interesting to see how AI can pull the correct bits of information together! I have obviously tested the above code, and it seems to work a treat!

Edited by TwoWheelDev
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