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Featured Blog Page

Edward Ver

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Hello. I'm learning PW and I have a Blog page which shows blog entries and a featured blog using a field.

But if I use the $field featured_post=1, no page is showing. Using limit=1 works fine.

$blogger = $pages->find("template=blog_entry,featured_post=1"); // my template
foreach($blogger as $bloggers) {
foreach($bloggers->blog_entries as $blog_entry) { // my repeater field
echo "<div><a href='{$blog_entry->url}'><h1 class='text-xl'>{$blog_entry->title}</a></h1>";
echo "<a href='{$blog_entry->url}'><img src='{$blog_entry->blog_main_image->getCrop('blogsmall')->url}' alt='{$blog_entry->blog_main_image->description}'></a>";
echo "{$sanitizer->truncate($blog_entry->blog_text , 100, array('type'=>'sentence', 'keepFormatTags'=>false /* true or false */))}";
echo "<p class='test_to_show_value_of_featured_filed'>{$blog_entry->featured_post}</p>";
echo "</div>";

Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks.

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I'm glad you find the issue.

Instead of echoing long strings, why don't you simply mix HTML and PHP this way (written in the browser, so it might contain typos):

<?php namespace ProcessWire;
$blogger = $pages->find("template=blog_entry,featured_post=1"); // my template
<?php if (wireCount($blogger)) : // Check if there are any bloggers ?>
    <?php foreach ($blogger as $bloggers) : ?>
        <?php if (wireCount($bloggers->blog_entries)) : // Check if there are any blog entries ?>
            <?php foreach ($bloggers->blog_entries as $blog_entry) : // my repeater field ?>
                  <a href="<?= $blog_entry->url ?>">
                      <h1 class="text-xl"><?= htmlspecialchars($blog_entry->title) ?></h1>
                  <a href="<?= $blog_entry->url ?>">
                      <img src="<?= $blog_entry->blog_main_image->getCrop('blogsmall')->url ?>" alt="<?= $blog_entry->blog_main_image->description ?>">
                  <?= $sanitizer->truncate($blog_entry->blog_text, 100, ['type' => 'sentence', 'keepFormatTags' => false]) ?>
                  <p class="test_to_show_value_of_featured_filed"><?= $blog_entry->featured_post ?></p>
			<?php endforeach; // End of blog_entries loop ?>
       <?php endif; // End of blog_entries check ?>
   <?php endforeach; // End of bloggers loop ?>
<?php endif; // End of bloggers check ?>

Which is much more readable, I think. You can even add else blocks to display something when nothing is found.

And don't forget <?php namespace ProcessWire;. While ProcessWire has a built-in compiler that adds the namespace for you, there may come a day when that compiler is removed from ProcessWire. Additionally, specifying the namespace helps IDEs understand the context of the code.

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I tried your suggestion but I get an error.

"Snapsicles… Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wireCount()"
<?php $blogger = $pages->find("template=blog_entry,featured_post=1"); // my template ?>
<?php if (wireCount($blogger)) : // Check if there are any bloggers ?>
    <?php foreach ($blogger as $bloggers) : ?>
        <?php if (wireCount($bloggers->blog_entries)) : // Check if there are any blog entries ?>
            <?php foreach ($bloggers->blog_entries as $blog_entry) : // my repeater field ?>
                  <a href="<?= $blog_entry->url ?>">
                      <h1 class="text-xl"><?= htmlspecialchars($blog_entry->title) ?></h1>
                  <a href="<?= $blog_entry->url ?>">
                      <img src="<?= $blog_entry->blog_main_image->getCrop('blogsmall')->url ?>" alt="<?= $blog_entry->blog_main_image->description ?>">
                  <?= $sanitizer->truncate($blog_entry->blog_text, 100, ['type' => 'sentence', 'keepFormatTags' => false]) ?>
                  <p class="test_to_show_value_of_featured_filed"><?= $blog_entry->featured_post ?></p>
			<?php endforeach; // End of blog_entries loop ?>
       <?php endif; // End of blog_entries check ?>
   <?php endforeach; // End of bloggers loop ?>
<?php endif; // End of bloggers check ?>


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