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[Solved] Load a single repeater item by specifying parent page


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I think of refactoring several pages into a repeater, but I need to be able to load a single repeater item by specifying the parent page... and I'm struggling.

Here the actual code:

$pages->find("template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all");

The result:

ProcessWire\PageArray Object
    [count] => 2
    [items] => Array
            [LeaderboardCategoriesRepeaterPage:0] => Array
                    [id] => 6065
                    [name] => 1722945441-3239-1
                    [parent] => /cockpit/repeaters/for-field-277/for-page-6057/
                    [template] => repeater_leaderboardCategories
                    [title] => Array
                            [data] => cat2
                            [data5865] => 


            [LeaderboardCategoriesRepeaterPage:1] => Array
                    [id] => 6070
                    [name] => 1722946036-4849-1
                    [parent] => /cockpit/repeaters/for-field-277/for-page-6066/
                    [template] => repeater_leaderboardCategories
                    [title] => Array
                            [data] => champ 2 2
                            [data5865] => 



    [selectors] => template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all

I get two repeater items, but coming from 2 different pages. So I want to specify the parent page of the repeater (id=6057), but none of my tests have worked.

I've tried a lot of things like this:

$pages->find("template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all, parent.getForPage=6057");

I also tried to search from the parent page directly:

$page = $pages->get(6057);

This works with a ProFields Table, but the repeater loads all items.

Any suggestion?

Edited by da²
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Would this help? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.95-core-updates/

I guess it would be something like this, but I’m on mobile, so untested:

$pages->find("template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all, leaderboardCategories.owner.id=6057");
Edited by Jan Romero
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Sorry, I told you I was just guessing 😅 It should work using the updated code above. Apparently "owner" needs to be prefixed by the name of the repeater field. This time I have tested it.

Edited by Jan Romero
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  • da² changed the title to [Solved] Load a single repeater item by specifying parent page

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