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ProcessWire should support PHP 8.1+ only, and here's why...


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Clickbait title aside, I recently found a cool new feature in PHP 8.1 and wanted to share it with you, in case you didn't know this either.

Starting with PHP 8.1 you can write $this->method(...) [yes, that's the actual syntax, not a placeholder] to reference a method. I find this super convenient, especially for defining hooks. Plus the IDE can refactor this much better than the traditional [$this, 'method'] callback.



class MyModule {
	public function init() {
    	$this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageView::finished', $this->doSomething(...));
    private function doSomething(HookEvent $event) {
    	// TODO: something



Edited by MrSnoozles
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