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How to push a page into Pages?

Adam Kiss

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let's say we have a Pages object as a result of get:

$menu_items = $pages->get('/navigation/')->children();

foreach($menu_items as $item){ ...

And now we want to 'unshift' and 'push' one items into this object:

$menu_items = $pages->get('/navigation/')->children();

$home = $pages->get('/home/');
array_unshift($menu_items, $home);

$item2 = $pages->get('/item2/');
array_push($menu_items, $item2);

foreach($menu_items as $item){ ...

This obviously won't work, since '$menu_items' is not an array (well, not so obivously... I just tried it.)

So, my question is, how can we modify pages object to include (/not include) items? (without modifying site tree)

Adam  ???

P.S.: It just hit me... can we do something like:

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Good question. You can use the built-in append() and/or prepend() functions, i.e.


I believe the unshift syntax will also work:


You don't have to worry about modifying the site tree because you would have to actually save a $page in order to modify the site tree. In addition, none of what you are trying to do here is modifying any pages, so even if you did save a page, it wouldn't modify anything. PageArrays are runtime dynamic arrays, and aren't saved anywhere unless they are attached to something like the result of a Page reference Fieldtype.

See /wire/core/Array.php and /wire/core/PageArray.php for all the traversal and modification methods (there are a lot). For the most part, they are patterned after jQuery traversal methods, but I included alternate names like unshift() and shift() for people that prefer PHP function names.

Just for fun, here's your example all bundled on one line. :)

foreach($pages->find("parent=/navigation/")->prepend($pages->get('/')) as $item) { ...

Or even shorter:

foreach($pages->find("parent=0|/navigation/") as $item) { ...

The selector above is saying to find all pages that have no parent (i.e. "0") or have a parent called /navigation/.

Both examples above return the same result.


That won't work because the function only accepts one param (a selector). But because all the pages you are selecting there have the same parent, this would work:

$pages->find("parent=/, name=navigation|page|item2"); 
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