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Default Language - Is it automatic?


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Hi there. Sorry about to disturb, I'm new to ProcessWire and I tried to find in your forum but can't.

I have a new install with multilang-site as example from ProcessWire and it shows "default language" be automatic!

My browser is in portuguese brazil, when I install, it shows like this image:



After I add a new language, Portuguese as pt, it shows like this:



I just did nothing, its just a clean install and after I just add Portuguese as /pt

So, default language comes from browser or OS?


I want to change this, default language /en but I wants to do not show /en in urls, this way:


I also tried to find over files something about default language! On admin panel, English is showing as "default"!


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Hey @Techno "default" means the default language of your specific ProcessWire instance, not more, not less. It does not refer to your default spoken language, not your default browser language,  not a global default PW language, nothing like that. It only means this is the default language of your own website. Which language that is is up to you, it can be anything. For me the default is often german, for you it could be PT, for others it could be FI, etc..

Have a look here: 


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Hi @bernhard, Thank you for the reply!

So, it shows not working in this way anymore, maybe its old tutorials or maybe my installation has some bugs, I tried a lot of times to reproduce what I see here!


(sorry about my bad english)

I'll keep trying. Maybe a installation with "no multilang site" as exemple, ill try it now!

Anyway, thank you so much!

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If you want to serve the english content from / instead of /en then you need to go to the home page (id=1), edit it and go to settings:


In this example it's default = german and I'm serving "de" from foo.com/...

English has url "en", so it's served from foo.com/en/...

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Wow, OMG!

Then the secret is to change 'HOME', now it works like I need.

Shows all other pages is based in what we configure in 'HOME'.

For the gods, I almost give up, believe me, I'm trying to do it something like 5 or 6 days, only now by editing HOME works, I never tried to change on home, I always trying to change "about" page because the rest of uri with other languages!

Thank you SO MUCH!

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