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Custom markup for pagination

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Hey, i'm currently building a website with a news section. On the overview page I would like to add a pagination so that users can easily switch from page to page.

I already included the MarkupPagerNav setup. However I would like to adjust the output of the module and I'm not really sure how to adjust it to my needs. I would e.g. like to output the current page and the total number of pages. See example below of what I would like to achieve:


Could someone point me in the right direction on how to output the correct variables?


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The "1 to 10 of 20" part is something you get from PaginatedArray::getPaginationString() rather than from MarkupPagerNav. So if your paginated results are in a variable named $results you would do something like this:

<p>Showing <?= $results->getPaginationString() ?> results</p>

And the Previous/Next navigation: unfortunately MarkupPagerNav doesn't provide a direct solution for this. There's an open request for it: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/248
So for now you have to hide the numbered links with CSS (the easy option) or code your own Previous/Next links.

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