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Uploaded PDF file is not the proper, full size; becomes corrupted


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Has anyone experienced a scenario where a PDF (or other) file that's been uploaded, and shows as having been successfully uploaded, is reporting as an improper size, and then doesn't load correctly when attempted to be accessed/downloaded/viewed from the website?

I have a PDF that, I believe, was generated from Canva. It is 4.5MB in size. During upload, the JS upload GUI reports the proper size in the progress bar, but then once complete, shows a filesize that is not the same as the original (2.5MB in this case). Unfortunately, it also seems to break and corrupt the file. It is indeed smaller. Thus far, I've manually uploaded, via FTP, the file overtop of the one processed by ProcessWire, but if this comes up again, I'm not sure what to look at.

I have FileValidatorSVG installed, but the file extension here is definitely PDF.
Also installed that might process files: WireRequestBlocker, SearchEngine File Indexer, WebP to JPG.

I thought I'd recently seen a topic about this, but when trying to find it again, was unable.

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Not entirely - we haven't yet identified what on our webhost (Dreamhost) caused the file to become corrupted and only upload a portion of the file. What we do know, however, is that it's not a fault of ProcessWire. ? Because it's only occurred on one PDF for all the files we upload/share, it's entirely possible there was also some issue with the file itself. I'm going to wait to follow up with our host if/when we discover another file that shows this symptom.

I appreciate the follow-up. ?

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