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SuperUser account access only on development server


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Hi there.

I would like to be able to provide a third party with SuperUser access to a daily updated clone of a live website, while disallowing access to the live site (for security reasons).

Perhaps this would be an additional bit of code in a separate php file, that could simply be removed or swapped, in order for a third party to run the website locally from the clone... perhaps the init.php or ready.php file?

Or would it be better to add code somewhere to disallow a login for a certain user unless it was from a local IP address? (This would have the advantage that no changes would be needed to any files for it to run locally).

Any help would be appreciated.

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Thank you very much Bernhard, that gives me the basis for what I need.

I think it easiest to just logout the specific user with similar code, regardless of IP, and let them remove the hook manually on a local environment.

Kind regards

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