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Jelastic by ServInt


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I messed around with it when it was in beta and ran several instances of Liferay on it.

During beta testing they were very helpful. We discovered that a normal instance was not powerful enough to run Liferay - so they just upped it so that it was without batting an eyelid!

It was a bit lumpy, (it was in beta), but generally was pretty impressive and the scalability of it was very clever - though I was only messing around with it and did not use it for lots of traffic.

I have not used it since it became a full commercial proposition. But it was certainly answering a demand for Java servers that is otherwise not well covered.

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I just had a quick look and it had changed very little from when I tried - except it was Tomcat only back then.

You do have to watch costs with it - each time you add something like MySQL (or MariaDB) the cost goes up. Storage is reasonably prices though.

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