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News multi author website and rich text editor


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Hello PW community,

I'll be creating a news website soon and thinking about what is the best way for journalists/columnists to write their articles.

Give them access to the Admin and create  dedicated UI/template 

Pro: use the power of rich editor (tinyMCE) 

Cons: I don't know if/how I can create a dedicated template + need to secure admin functions

Create a dedicated Interface in front and implement TinyMCE 

Pro: no access to admin / easy to create interface

Cons: what about the drag and drop and upload images function, Is it possible to connect with the PW API for security (restrict file accepted, size,...)

Have you already facing this situation ? 

Thanks for your Help.



PS: is this forum created with PW ? because the current rich editor is just perfect in fact I don't need so much options.

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1 hour ago, Matthieu said:

I'll be creating a news website soon and thinking about what is the best way for journalists/columnists to write their articles.

It depends a lot on the project and on your skills. If the PW backend fits your needs, then you'll have a lot less work and headache if you build on top of that. If you have very custom requirements in terms of UI/UX then it might be easier to build a custom backend from scratch. But as you have already mentioned you then also have to take care of everything that PW already does (security, interactivity, permissions etc...)

The forum is not built with PW, it just uses the same editor as PW did until recent updates. The link to the forum software is in the footer.

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Thanks @bernhard for your message.

I'm in the middle.

Functionalities is very basic, journalists can choose a name, create/edit/delete their articles, reply to comments... done.PW backend UI  is good to admin but could be better for my users ( in fact they are majority of 65+, display only personal entries, "bigger" articles list with thumbnail,...)

If building a dedicated template is possible for PW admin to have a custom UI and match look and feel, I think it would be my choice. Users are kind of "trusted" (account are created manually by admins).

If not, I'll do the other way and search a way to connect a tinyMCE textarea with a images field like in the PW admin to have helper and  security functions

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The PW backend is extremely customisable all over both from the design and from functionality.

For the design you can simply modify /site/templates/admin.less (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.179/) or use AdminStyleRock (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/25668-adminstylerock-easily-style-your-processwire-backend-with-two-simple-settings/). So you can very easily adopt spacings, fonts, font-sizes etc.

For functionality you can use hooks or custom admin pages aka process modules (https://processwire.com/blog/posts/building-custom-admin-pages-with-process-modules/).

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