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[SOLVED] Force HTML on all outgoing emails?


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If you're looking for a generic catch-all solution, there's one approach that I can think of: hooking before WireMail::send and checking if $event->object->bodyHTML is empty but $event->object->body filled, in which case you could generate the "bodyHTML" property based on the "body" property.

I've never tried this, but at least this is where I'd start. Looking at ProcessForgotPassword code, there's no obvious way (config setting, hook, etc.) to make it send all messages as HTML, and I would assume that same applies to various other core (and non-core) modules as well, so your best bet is to hook directly into the class responsible for sending the message(s).

Basically something like this:

wire()->addHookBefore('WireMail::send', function(HookEvent $event) {
        if ($event->object->body && !$event->object->bodyHTML) {
                $event->replace = true;
                        "<p>" . nl2br($event->object->body) . "</p>"
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Thank you for the hint. Here is what I did and it seems it does the job.

$wire->addHookBefore('WireMail::send', function(HookEvent $event) {

  $WireMail = $event->object;

  if(!$WireMail->bodyHTML && $WireMail->body) {
    $forcehtml = nl2br($WireMail->body); // nl2br — Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string



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  • PWaddict changed the title to [SOLVED] Force HTML on all outgoing emails?

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