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Add a Class to a MarkupAdminDataTable Row


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I have a MarkupAdminDataTable and each row contains an edit-link of the entry.

$table->row([$guest->title => $guest->editUrl, ...]);

But I don't want the edit window to open, instead I want to use the "pw-panel" Class and after saving the modification the page need to be reloaded also.

I don't know how to include





Array of columns that will each be a <td>, where each element may be one of the following:

  • string: converts to <td>string</td>
  • $a["key"] = "value": converts to <td><a href='value'>key</a></td>
  • array('label' => 'url'): converts to <td><a href='url'>label</a></td> (same as above, but in nested array with count 1)
  • array('label', 'class'): converts to <td class='class'>label</td>

But I need a combination of the last two options like this:

$table->row([array($guest->title => $guest->editUrl, 'pw-panel'), ...]);

but than only 'pw-panel' get written in the field, no title and no url...

I tried also to put the 'pw-panel' class to the complete <tr> but that in't doing the job either.

$table->row([$guest->title => "$guest->editUrl", ...], ['class'=>'pw-panel']);

Thank you

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you need to construct the HTML for the link when building the array that you pass to $table->row and set $table->encodeEntities = false;

In this example I am building the rows from a pro field table:

        /** @var TableRows $transactions */
        $transactions = $this->wire('pages')->get('template=membership')->membership_transactions;
        /** @var MarkupAdminDataTable $table */
        $table = $this->wire('modules')->get('MarkupAdminDataTable');
        $table->addClass('AdminDataList table-striped');
        $table->sortable = true;
        $table->encodeEntities = false; // important
        /** @var TableRow $t */
        foreach ($transactions as $t) {
            $row = array();
            foreach ($t->getArray() as $key => $val) {
                if ($key == 'id') continue;
                if ($key == 'member') $val = "<a class='pw-panel' href='{$val->editUrl}'>$val->fullname</a>"; // construct your link here
                if ($key == 'amount') $val = $val . ' USD';
                if ($key == 'date') $val = date('Y-m-d h:i', $val);
                if ($key == 'status') $val = ($val) ? 'success' : 'failure';
                $row[] = $val;
            // bd($row);
        return $table->render();

Hope that helps.

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$table->encodeEntities = false;

did the job in combination with a proper html for the table row.

<a class='pw-panel' href= ...>

Thank you very much!

Sometimes the solution is so simple, I already tried to use HTML with buttons and stuff like that but you put me on the right track. Have a nice day!

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