gebeer Posted February 20, 2022 Share Posted February 20, 2022 Hi, in a recent project I had to import large amounts of data that got uploaded through the frontend. To avoid lags in the frontend I pushed the actual import work to processes in the background. Since timely resources for that project were limited, I resorted to a quite simple method of starting the workers public function startSalesImportWorker() { $path = $this->config->paths->siteModules . "{$this->className}/workers/"; $command = "php {$path}salesimportworker.php"; $outputFile = "{$path}/logs/workerlogs.txt"; $this->workerPid = (int) shell_exec(sprintf("%s > $outputFile 2>&1 & echo $!", "$command")); if ($this->workerPid) return $this->workerPid; return false; } Here's the worker code namespace ProcessWire; use SlashTrace\SlashTrace; use SlashTrace\EventHandler\DebugHandler; include(__DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"); include(__DIR__ . "/../../../../index.php"); ini_set('display_errors', false); error_reporting(E_WARNING | E_ERROR); $slashtrace = new SlashTrace(); $slashtrace->addHandler(new DebugHandler()); // $slashtrace->register(); $lockfile = __DIR__ . "/locks/lock-" . getmypid(); // restart when fail or done function workerShutdown($args) { // release lockfile if (file_exists($args['lockfile'])) unlink($args['lockfile']); echo PHP_EOL . "Restarting...\n"; $outputFile = __DIR__ . '/logs/workerlogs.txt'; $command = PHP_BINARY . " " . $args['command']; sleep(1); // execute worker again exec(sprintf("%s > $outputFile 2>&1 & echo $!", "$command")); } register_shutdown_function('ProcessWire\workerShutdown', array('lockfile' => $lockfile, 'command' =>$argv[0])); // wait for other workers to finish while (wire('files')->find(__DIR__ . "/locks/")) { sleep(5); } // create lockfile file_put_contents($lockfile, $lockfile); try { // ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); //300 seconds = 5 minutes wire('users')->setCurrentUser(wire('users')->get("admin")); echo "starting import: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL; /** @var \ProcessWire\DataImport $mod */ $mod = wire('modules')->get("DataImport"); $mod->importSales(); echo PHP_EOL . "Import finished: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // run only for 1 round, then start a new process: prevent memory issues die; } catch (\Exception $e) { $slashtrace->handleException($e); die; } I got the idea for restarting the same worker from Note that I am using for error handling since it gives nice CLI output. And I couldn't figure out how to utilize the native PW Debug class for that since I needed stack traces. Overall this solution worked quite well. But it doesn't give any control over the worker processes. At least there was no time to implement. Only after having finished the project, I discovered which seems to have everything you need to start and monitor background processes. So next time the need arises I will definitely give it a try. I'm imagining a Process module that lets you monitor/stop background workers and a generic module to kick them off. How do you handle background processes with PW? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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