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Error when resizing image


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Hello there,

hope all of you are fine and healthy. I wish you all a happy second Advent Sunday!

I have a little problem using the resize function on one page - oddly enough it works fine on another page.

The code I use is the following:

<?php $image_resized = $page->product_image->size(806, 1028) ?>
<a href="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" class="lightbox-gallery-3 mfp-image">
  <img src="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></a>

When trying to open the page I find the following error in the logs:

2021-12-05 14:44:21	cschindler	https://www.feinkost-garten.de/shop/gemuese-abo/vital-box/	Schwerwiegender Fehler:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function size() on null in /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/shop_single.php:19 Stack trace: #0 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(327): require() #1 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(414): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render() #2 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(951): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #3 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(485): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\TemplateFile), 'render', Array) #4 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/modules/PageRender.module(554): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #5 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(417): ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #6 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(951): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderPage', Array) #7 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire (Zeile 19 in /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/shop_single.php)

On the homepage I use a very similar code and it works fine:

<?php $image_resized = $four_boxes_box->four_boxes_bild->size(1090, 494) ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" alt="" class="wow scaleOutIn" data-wow-duration="1.2s" />

Does anybody has an idea what could be the problem? I am using the not working code in a PadLoper template, but as I can't imagine that this makes any difference I wonder why it doesn't work on one place but works on the other.

Kind regards, Christian

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OMG - I found the problem... 

I have changed the field name of the image and didn't change it in the template... ?

Everything works fine now again!

I wish you all a happy and peaceful Advent season!

Cheers, Christian

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