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Front End Page Editing Module - save button hidden behind fixed navbar / fixed footer


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Hello! I am playing with an idea and want to be able to utilize the FrontPageEdit module so I can make quick content edits. Everything is working fine. I am just using the A method. It is working. The correct fields are editable. The problem I am having is that I have a fixed navbar and a fixed footer because this is meant to look like an app.

The Save and Cancel button appears but it appears behind the footer.  Is there a simple way to call the Save/Cancel buttons so that I can control where they appear? Maybe even have control over the Z-index so at least the buttons come in front of the footer?

Thank you to anyone that can help. This is not urgent. Just a personal project and figure there must be a simple way to do this.

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I just answered my own question on the above.  I am sure there are better ways to do things but all I had to do is add a Z-index number to the CSS that moved the buttons above the footer. Also could have adjusted the positioning of the buttons here (which I did not do), changing the bottom to say 80px for example. Nice and easy.

.pw-edit-buttons.pw-edit-buttons-location-auto {
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 1100;

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