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find() by property or similar way to combine recurring selectors?


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I need to build a combination of selectors which need to be in almost every find() statement on my site. Being lazy by nature, I was hoping for a way to make my life easier. I thought of three ways:

- Hook after find, then find again with the new selectors. This works, but it scares me. Maybe it's not as bad performance wise as I think but my guess is, it is.

- Build a property by which to find(). I liked this idea until I found out it doesn't work. The idea was to addHookProperty to Page, and then include this into find. But find only likes fields so no luck.

- Hook before find and modify the argument passed to find(). I couldn't get this to work: 

$event->return = $event->arguments;

What am I doing wrong? What are your ways of managing silly recurring selectors? Any thoughts on my ideas?



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I don't think I ever had something like this, but I imagine I'd do it with small module;

// module
class MySelect {
  public function __construct(){
  public function findFiltered($selector){
    return wire('pages')->find('limit=1,'.$selector);


// template
$mySelect = $modules->get('MySelect');
$pages = $mySelect->findFiltered('template=subselection');
Edited by adamkiss
Fixed the code to something what should really work, duh
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$event->return = $event->arguments;

I'm not sure that I totally understand the example, and think I'd need to see the rest of the class to get the right picture. But there is no "==" operator in selectors, so that's one potential problem. Another is that you are assigning $event->return = $event->arguments. Why -- I don't understand this? :) 

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