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Alphabetic sort, unintelligible behavior


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simple task, simple Question. I have a (quit large) result list with a alpabetic sorting on given titles only.

$results = $pages->find("... sort=job_titel");

Funnily enough the output looks like this (on first page):


So two entries obviously don't want to get sorted ? (beside those two entries all is sorted well)

Any idea how that is possible? Checked the entries,- no weird characters or whitespace/LF s.o. in field job_titel

Thanks for any hint, cheers, Olaf

- ProcessWire 3.0.148


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My first guess would be that there is actually something in the job_titel field for those two entries that is causing the sorting error.

Have you looked directly into the database fields themselves – using something like phpMyAdmin or Adminer (hosting companies often provide a tool in Control Panel or the like)? You'll find it's quite easy to navigate the PW database once you take a look at it. You may see something that you're not seeing using other methods.




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