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Admin templates: slight modification

Adam Kiss

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I was asked by my client to modify header of admin, so end-client will feel special :)

That got me thinking: is it possible to modify only a part of admin themes via 'admin-template', or is it better to replicate whole directory from 'wire' and change the parts I wish to change?

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I think the simplest thing is probably just to duplicate that admin-templates dir into your /site/ dir. But if you didn't want to do that, you could do any of these:

  • Duplicate just the file you want to change, put it in /site/templates-admin/ and then symlink to the others in /wire/templates-admin/
  • Create an 'autoload' module to intercept and modify the output of admin page renders.
  • Create an 'autoload' module to add a CSS ($config->styles) or JS ($config->scripts) file that makes the change you want.
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