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Funny ProcessWire coincidence

Kiwi Chris

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For years, as a personal project, I've been documenting my little corner of the globe via my personal website www.marlboroughonline.co.nz, which also gets used as my testbed for new ideas with ProcessWire, SEO and other stuff, as I'm not going to have some client on the phone if I break something, but if I do it well, I can earn a few dollars from Google adsense.

I've always had a bit of a passion for natural history, being introduced to David Attenborough documentaries when I was a teenager, and actually studying life sciences at university, so it's only natural if you'll excuse the pun, that a part of my site would be dedicated to documenting local plant and animal species in my part of the world.

For many years, one of go to reference websites for information about native plants has been New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, and I often include a link from my site to details on a species on the site as an authoritative reference, and I use the site to help identify plants I've photographed. It was only recently that for some reason I decided to have a look at the source code of the site, and it looked suspiciously like it was made with ProcessWire. After a bit more detective work, I found out that it was made by @Robin S and is indeed built with ProcessWire. 

To get away from the computer, I also teach kids edible gardens at my daughter's school a couple of hours a week. It's part of a wider Enviroschools programme here in NZ, and among other things it covers is teaching kids to recognise noxious weeds. There's a really useful website Weedbusters that's supported by councils and used as a reference for many invasive plant species, and it turns out it's more of Robin's handiwork.

I think it's a bit funny that even when I'm supposedly away from ProcessWire engaging in other activities, it seems to follow me around. ?

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