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Giving Registered Member Access to ProcessWire Admin


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Dear ProcessWire community

Before I jump right into this new project of mine and then realise it's not going to work, I'd be very grateful if I could get some advice on the best way to achieve this.

My client wants people to be able to pay a small amount when registering to become a member. To help with this I have just bought Ryan's FormBuilder with Stripe payments module.

We then need the member to be able to log in and upload a few images (which I'll make a gallery out of) and possibly a short video.

What I'm hoping to do then is to create a user/role which will allow the member to log in to ProcessWire and have access to just a certain area to allow them to upload their content.

So I wanted to ask if that is a) possible, and b) the best way to go about it.

I have used ProcessWire before, but it was a few years ago so any help and advice anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Dean changed the title to Giving Registered Member Access to ProcessWire Admin

Thank-you. I did wonder whether I could keep it all separate so that I didn't have to give the public access to /processwire.

So if I keep my member pages part of the front-end and then create pages based on what they add. Should I use the person's user id to keep the directory structure unique? E.g., members/46/my-page/.

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You should create a Frontend Admin for your users, I think there is a Module for that, but I wrote something years ago doing exactly what you want but here it is incase you are looking for different angles to look at it.


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