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The best way to help with ProcessWire


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Hello there,

I am becoming a significant fan of ProcessWire and would like to give something back to the community.

You can find out more about my and my skill set here http://www.william-owen.co.uk/. But in general, what is the best way to help out?

Happy to do anything from graphic design / branding, coding, UX and interface development or even just being more active in the forum lol. Any thoughts?


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Hi Will,

Thanks for your post and offer to help! I saw on your site that you've been at this for 15 years–sounds like we started developing on the web about the same time (~1994).  We are glad to have your experience and expertise here.

I've been working on a partial list of the things that I think we will need help with (whether current or future), and I posted it here:


Those are ideas and open to changes. Anyone is welcome to add to that list too. Here are some other ideas aimed at anyone reading:

My opinion is that one of the best ways everyone can contribute to ProcessWire right now is to write. Write about it, what you are doing with it, and how you are doing it. Maybe a tutorial to tell other people how to do something (like how are you merging PW with other technologies that you use, for example). Post your articles on your site, this site, or another (like cmsreport.com). If you like to write code better than paragraphs, write modules, admin themes or site profiles to share. If you like to get into the technical details of PW, fork the latest dev version on GitHub, optimize and improve it.

If you like to write URLs, then link to processwire.com  :) -- we need to improve our pagerank so that others can better find us through search -- our pagerank is currently 0 out of 10 according to Google (though we've not been online for long).



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