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SOLVED: Very strange behavior updating a multisite setup from 145 to 148(9)


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So I thought I would try updating to 149 tonight, but I got very strange behavior.

The backend loads, but all of the scripts (js/css) fail to load. I get no dropdowns, etc.

The frontend loads without styles - the coffee svg actually doesn't load at all - throws a 404 even though the file is in the directory on the server.

I am running a multi-site setup with a shared wire folder and separate site folders.

Replacing the wire directory with v145 and everything returns to normal. Running PHP 7.3

The weird thing is that I can load the module list and upgrade modules (which I did - there is nothing left to update) - unless modules that exist but aren't installed somehow affect things anyway.

Since I'm on A2 hosting which uses Litespeed I am going to try a plain vanilla 149 install on a fresh directory tomorrow and see if at least the basic single site install works, just to be sure it is not a litespeed vs actual apache issue.

Has anyone else running a multisite install had any issues/success?

EDIT: Never mind - doing a full refresh of wire with 150 dev resolved the issue.

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