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How to allow users to hide a message for a predefined amount of time?


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I have a suggestions box that appears when the home page is loaded. I would like to allow users to hide this box by clicking the inner close button and make this box stay hidden for a predefined amount of time e.g. 24 hours.

Is there a PW module or approach to make this?

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I would recommend doing this on the front-end: when the close button is clicked, hide the box and set a cookie. Check the cookie on page load (with JavaScript) and only show the box if the cookie isn't set. This is all pretty simple, and you can likely find a pre-built solution with a bit of googling.

If front-end implementation isn't, for whatever reason, possible, you can also also set the cookie with PHP (if you're running ProcessWire 3.0.141 dev or later, check out $input->cookie) or use $session to remember that the user has closed the box. This will, though, require that you pass the request to PHP first – for an example the "close button" could actually be a link to something like "/?close_the_box=1" which then triggers required PHP code in your home template, or you could perform this query with JavaScript when the button is clicked.

Hope this helps a bit.

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