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I am using

$parents = $page->parents;

foreach($parents as $parent)
[indent=1]// do llinks[/indent]

to show breadcrumb links.

The problem I have is that sometimes the parent page is a section rather than a page with content. For example, I have a section called About Us which contains various pages, but About Us is not a page itself.

I could create an About Us page and have a meta refresh in it to go to the first page of that section, but is there a better way?


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If those pages don't have a template file, you could check for the existence of the file

foreach($parents as $parent)
if(file exists) //echo link

or you can use the same template for all the section pages

foreach($parents as $parent)
if($parent->template != "section") //echo link

or create a global field (available in all templates) from type checkbox, and check it on the section pages

foreach($parents as $parent)
if($parent->section = 0) //echo link <-- EDIT: I changed from 1 to 0 here
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