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Top 5 (leaderboard) field entries in a repeater


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I've got a basic AJAX submission form set up for a poll – the user enters a first and last name or a person they'd like to nominate and upon submission it stores the first and last name, as well as IP address and timestamp within a repeater row.

The user can only submit, using the same IP address, once within a 24 hour period (done by cross-checking their IP with entries in the repeater as well as the difference between timestamps).

I now want to return a 'live top 5' – like a leaderboard – (taking all first and last name entries and doing a 'count'). This is where I'm stuck at the most efficient way to do this. Counts need to be case-insensitive (michael jordan and MICHAEL JORDAN and miCHAel joRdaN would total three, not one each) and then should, ideally, sentence-case the returned top 5 along with the count

What do you think? Thanks in advance for any advice.

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$count_arr = [];

foreach($page->my_repeater as $rep) {
	$name_normalized = ucwords(strtolower($rep->lastname . " " . $rep->firstname));

arsort($count_arr, \SORT_NUMERIC);
$leaders = array_slice($count_arr, 0, 5);

The caveats are names with prefixes, like Scottish McSomething, which will end up being Mcsomething, and that there's no sorting among names with equal vote count.

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6 hours ago, teppo said:

If you're interested in ironing this quirk out as well, here's one possible solution: https://www.media-division.com/correct-name-capitalization-in-php/ ?

This is very cool. Much appreciated.

@BitPoet Many thanks for your help. I ended up using your example and doing something like so..

$submissionsNames = array();

foreach ($page->submissions as $submission) {
	$name = ucwords(strtolower($submission->submissions_firstname . " " . $submission->submissions_lastname));
	array_push($submissionsNames, $name);

$submissionsNames = array_count_values($submissionsNames);

$submissionsNames = array_slice($submissionsNames, 0, 5);

Let me know if you think I've missed a trick?

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