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PW for online magazine


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Can you paste full code you have now?

It is my code from above wrapped into your code you suggested few posts above

$results = $page->children("limit=25");
if($page->path != '/' && $page->numChildren) {
echo "<ul class='nav'>";
foreach($page->children as $child) {
	 echo "<li>";
	 if (count($child->images)) {
	 echo "<div style='float:right;'><img style='margin:5px 0 5px 5px;' src='{$child->images->first()->size(100, 100)->url}' alt='' /></div>";
	 echo "<div><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a><br /><span class='summary'>";
	 if ($child->summary){
	 echo preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($child->summary, 0, 251))."…";
	 else echo strip_tags(preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($child->body, 0, 251)))."…";
	 echo "</span></div></li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo $results->renderPager();
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And that does it. When I look at it now it seems obvious. I have more things to learn, but definitely worth it. The speed of this CMS is simply amazing, well done everyone!

It gets better and better the more you learn, trust me! I knew nothing when I first started here and now I know a little bit more than nothing!

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:) I found this site by accident, and now I'm so happy that I did. Simplicity of PW really makes my life easier. Some other more popular CMS solutions have big forums with loads of members, but quantity != quality. I just started using this and already have two pages of helpful posts! Kudos to the 'fanatical support' :)
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