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Returning image results as Pageimage objects from a database query


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Hi all,

This is probably a stupid question but is there anyway to select from the database all the images as Pageimage objects?

The idea being so that I could have just a 1 level deep array of Pageimage objects so that I can loop through and run the removeVariations() method on them?

My original idea was something along the lines of:

$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT name FROM FIELDS WHERE TYPE = "FieldtypeImage"');
$results = $query->fetchAll();

foreach ($results as $row) {
	$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT * FROM FIELD_'.$row[0]);
    $images = $query->fetchAll();
    foreach($images as $image){
     // my thinking was at this point if said results where Pageimage objects or
	 // could be turned into one I could then run the removeVariations() method on them ie.
	 // $image->removeVariations()

I tried working with the above results within my module code but I could never get them into the correct context to run the method in question.

The above implentation obviously doesn't work but is the idea sound?

Could it ever work in this fashion or do you only have access to Pageimage::removeVariations() in the context of starting with a page selection ie.


The reason I ask is that I have a solution using the built in selectors which partially works.

However it comes up short when attempting to remove the image variations for image fields within repeaters, theres also the issue of images fields within nested repeaters.

Any ideas are much appreciated.

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This looks okay. You just need to get the correct image from the page. For performance reasons, I'd build an intermediate array that groups the images by page, as you have to load each page into memory to retrieve the image. This way, you can uncache the page after you have rebuilt all its variations. Untested:

$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT name FROM FIELDS WHERE TYPE = "FieldtypeImage"');
$results = $query->fetchAll();

$pageimgdata = [];

foreach ($results as $row) {
	$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT * FROM FIELD_'.$row[0]);
    $images = $query->fetchAll();
    foreach($images as $image){
    	$pageid = $images["pages_id"];
    	$filename = $images["data"];
    	if(! isset($pageimgdata[$pageid])) $pageimgdata[$pageid] = [];
    	$pageimgdata[$pageid][] = $filename;

foreach($pageimgdata as $pageid => $filename) {
	$p = $this->pages->get($pageid);
	$PFM = new PagefilesManager($p);
	foreach($data as $entry) {
		$img = $PFM->getFile($filename);
		if($img) $img->removeVariations();
	$PFM = null;
	if($p != $this->page) $this->pages->uncache($p);
	// To clear up memory early in case there are a lot of pages


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34 minutes ago, BitPoet said:

This looks okay. You just need to get the correct image from the page. For performance reasons, I'd build an intermediate array that groups the images by page, as you have to load each page into memory to retrieve the image. This way, you can uncache the page after you have rebuilt all its variations. Untested:

$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT name FROM FIELDS WHERE TYPE = "FieldtypeImage"');
$results = $query->fetchAll();

$pageimgdata = [];

foreach ($results as $row) {
	$query = $this->database->prepare('SELECT * FROM FIELD_'.$row[0]);
    $images = $query->fetchAll();
    foreach($images as $image){
    	$pageid = $images["pages_id"];
    	$filename = $images["data"];
    	if(! isset($pageimgdata[$pageid])) $pageimgdata[$pageid] = [];
    	$pageimgdata[$pageid][] = $filename;

foreach($pageimgdata as $pageid => $filename) {
	$p = $this->pages->get($pageid);
	$PFM = new PagefilesManager($p);
	foreach($data as $entry) {
		$img = $PFM->getFile($filename);
		if($img) $img->removeVariations();
	$PFM = null;
	if($p != $this->page) $this->pages->uncache($p);
	// To clear up memory early in case there are a lot of pages


Thats exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! ?

If im ever anywhere near Munich i'll buy you as many beers as you can drink ?

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