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[SOLVED] Error with type hinting of the function parameter Page


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Hi, I've the function:

function functionName(Page $item) {
  // function code

If in templates I use the code


then in the logs I get the error "Argument 1 passed to functionName() must be an instance of Page, instance of ProcessWire\Page given, called in ...". However I don't get the error by removing the Page type from the function statement.

Why does it happen?


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Hi LAPS, based on the error message it appears the file your function lives in is not namespaced. So your type-hint Page $item is telling PHP that you expect an object of the class Page in the global namespace. All ProcessWire classes are in the Processwire namespace (check out the namespace declaration at the top of any given core PHP file). So you need to type-hint against the class in that namespace:

function functionName(\Processwire\Page $item) {

Alternatively, you can alias the Page class for the file with your function, or put that file in the Processwire namespace itself. At the top of the PHP file, add one of those:

// importing the Page class, this tells PHP that `Page` should be interpretated as `\Processwire\Page`
use \Processwire\Page;
// namespacing the file itself, so ´Page´ will resolve to ´\Processwire\Page´
namespace Processwire;

Hope this works for you. Cheers!

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