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Problems with parentheses in selector?


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I have a few multi-site instances that are talking to each other through a list of conditions primarily.  A few of these conditions (full list here) have parentheses in them such as "Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)".  The code below should be pulling in the article that is found on the corresponding page on my blog - https://blog.yinyanghouse.com/relationships/conditions/rheumatoid-arthritis-ra

When I try to match these between the sites in a selector I get nothing back.  I've tried sanitizing it such as:

	foreach ($page->category_relationships_conditions as $crc) {
		$query = $sanitizer->selectorValue($crc->title);
			$myBlogsStart = $bl->pages->find("template=page-blog, category_relationships_conditions=$query, sort=title");
				foreach ($myBlogsStart as $mbs) {
					if (!in_array($mbs,$myBlogs)) { $myBlogs[] = $mbs;}


Every other selector except these few works perfectly.  How can I get those to match correctly?

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		$query = strtr($crc->title, array('(' => '', ')' => ''));

Changing the query line in my first post and "self sanitizing" with the command above works - but I'd still like to get an answer as I feel like this should be happening behind the scenes and there must be something I'm doing wrong within processwire to run into this....  


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Not sure about the selector sanitizing, but assuming category_relationships_conditions is a Page Reference field it seems like you could simplify things and avoid the issue at the same time by using the page object in the selector:

foreach($page->category_relationships_conditions as $crc) {
	$myBlogsStart = $bl->pages->find("template=page-blog, category_relationships_conditions=$crc, sort=title");
	// ...


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3 hours ago, YYHMedia said:

Thanks for the response and, yes, that would work if it wasn't a multi site setup, but in this case they objects wouldn't match.

Right you are, I overlooked that part of your post.

Taking another look at it I think the issue is that you need to specify the subfield of the page you are wanting to match against. Assuming it's the title it would be:

$myBlogsStart = $bl->pages->find("template=page-blog, category_relationships_conditions.title=$query, sort=title");


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