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PHP notify in apache error log


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I am getting a PHP notice in error log

PHP Notice:  Object of class InputfieldRadios could not be converted to int in C:\\data\\My Dropbox\\www\\showled.com\\wire\\core\\InputfieldWrapper.php on line 254, referer:

This piece of code

public function ___processInput(WireInputData $input) {

if(!$this->children) return $this;

foreach($this->children as $key => $child) {

// skip over collapsedHidden inputfields, beacuse they were never drawn

if($child->collapsed == Inputfield::collapsedHidden) continue;

// call the inputfield's processInput method



return $this;


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Not sure about this one then. Haven't seen that particular error message, and it doesn't seem to make sense, at least not on the surface... but I will look at it again in the morning. Let me know if you see it occur anywhere else.



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Thanks. Since this is a PHP 'notify' error, I'm guessing you have $config->debug set to true? These notifications should be suppressed if debug is false. Though I usually keep debug on during site development, and off for production. This particular error looks like one that is good to know about though, because it seems to indicate a value that shouldn't be there. If that's the case, it needs to be fixed, so I will keep an eye out for it too.

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