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Using uikit via npm install


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I can install via github clone and then create a theme quite easily, but I'm struggling with the docs in regards to uikit via npm.

I've done:

mkdir testproject
cd testproject
npm init
npm install uikit --save
cd node_modules/uikit
npm install
npm run compile

Now, I'm stuck. Where do I create my theme? In the node_modules folder?

Do I have to use my own build process when installing with npm?



1) Install with Npm to get the pre-built JavaScript, CSS and the Less source files. This is recommended when using UIkit for a typical web project: npm install uikit

2) Clone the repo to get all source files including build scripts: git clone git://github.com/uikit/uikit.git

My needs are certainly a 'typical web project'. Cloning the repo explicitly says "including build scripts", implying that the build scripts are not included with npm.

But they are. Running 'npm run compile' inside 'testproject/node_modules/uikit/' builds the source into the '/dist/' folder.

I'm so horribly confused with the 'modern' way to make websites. Think I need to grow a neck beard and join a JS cult in order to understand all of this madness. Looking at webpack, and thinking does it replace gulp? Been reading this:


...and I'm looking for the 'translate' button to turn it into English. Exasperated is an understatement of how I feel right now. I'm hoping to start learning how to create PW modules over the weekend but all this other stuff is really playing on my mind.

I guess I'd like to know, how does everyone else use uikit in their PW projects? It's popular around here and I presume everyone doesn't just use the stock theme or override a few CSS variables.

Any advice would be awesome. Give me a chance to grow my hair back.

= edit =

This helped me with the basics, getting a better idea about webpack. Still interested in hearing about how others use uikit though.


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