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Site CSS changes when I log out of admin.


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I tried searching this, assuming I'd see others with the same issues, but I didn't see any similar threads, but apology if this is a repeat topic.

The site looks normal (as designed) while I'm logged in to the admin. If I log out, the CSS changes.

Been working on a site with a custom login page. The custom login is NOT being used to log into PW admin, however it does know and indicates I'm logged in. It's a user facing login for members. I was working on the site all day yesterday making CSS changes and adding some javascript to handle a video button that changes videosource. Prior to adding this JS, I never had this issue. The site looked normal when logged in or out, That was WITH the custom login.

I didn't even know what code to post if any, since this seems REALLY weird. Any thoughts on what might cause such behavior?

NOTE: I'm a graphic designer recently turned bad-developer, slowly improving. So, please filter your suggestions to someone with less than the common level of knowledge here.

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Did you enable template caching? Try disabling it from Setup > Templates > my-template > Cache (or flush page cache from Modules > Page Render) or use @Soma's plugin (https://github.com/somatonic/ClearCacheAdmin)

Template cache (by default) is disabled for logged in users, so when you're logged in you're seeing whatever you're supposed to see, but when you log out you see the last cached version of that page.

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I doubt home.php gets processed at all. Try echoing something and see if anything shows up. Or try force logging in yourself (put $session->forceLogin('admin') see if you can access backend)

If not, use site/ready.php (if it doesnt exists, create it) to put these codes in and see if it makes any difference

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