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Image cache management area?


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I installed the new reno admin theme and I want to change the admin logo. If I change the logo inside the site / modules / AdminTheneReno / styles / images / logo.png in my local machine works great! But when I try to do on the remote server it seems not working, the same for the image inside my custome page "instruction.php" I just overwrite the "processwire" icon with other .png files

The problem is on my remote server?

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I cannot find the topic dealing with this issue but as far as I recall in PW 3.x it no longer works as it used to be. I just used a JS hack:

//replacing the logo:
var logo_o = $("#branding #logo");
logo_o.attr("href", "/");
var innerHtml_str = logo_o.html();
var updated_str = innerHtml_str.replace("/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/images/", "/site/templates/admin/"); //path to dir containg my logo
logo_o.show(); //initially made hidden with display: none; so we need to turn it on. This is to prevent flashing.

I also use a css rule to hide the logo initially otherwise it flashes once (see last line in JS above)

There are various ways to add css/js to the admin, eg some:

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