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Split image array into groups of 15


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Hi folks,

I have an image field, that has 50+ images (the total count varies per project) and I want to split them into groups of 15 (so if the total count is 50 the groups would be 15, 15, 15, 5 and if the count is 12 then it just shows twelve). I'd then be keen to loop through each 'group'.

Any thoughts how I would do this using the PW API? Is it possible with only the API or would I have to use some non-API PHP?

I was thinking I could use splice with a count but unsure if I need to create a new array per group each time?

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5 minutes ago, abdus said:

$imgs = $page->images->getArray();
$chunks = array_chunk($imgs, 15);

foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
	foreach($chunk as $img) { /* ... */ }


Unfortunately, there doesnt seem to be a chunk method available for WireArray class

Whoa array_chunk is great. That's good to know that PW API doesn't have a chunk method... always try to use the PW methods. Much appreciated and apologies if that felt like a simple PHP question!

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