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ui centered demo for editors


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long story short: please make another official demo. one demo for developers and one more ui centered for editors. 

i know http://demo.processwire.com/regular/processwire/ but its not official.
i also think that reno is a bit stronger if the colors would be also as light as in the demo.

so i been talking to a client, who showed ProcessWire to a programmer-friendly friend.
This friend knows some Wordpress and together they had a look at the demo page of ProcessWire.
Mainly they wanted to see how the backend looks and how it feels.

So what i experienced is that the demo page is a show off on how to treat a lot of data.
It gives developers an insight into page, template, field and module structure.
But they said its too complex editor-wise, so i had to explain to them the idea of the demo and that there are possibilities to make the backend feeling more modern and pure/simple.
(the new wordpress backend looks really slick)

The default admin theme works well,
but in all use cases i use the reno theme, because it feels alot more modern.
i also remove access to setup / modules and access to focus the editor towards pages.
(probably i will do a black and white / one-color version of this in the near future to get rid of colors not fitting the project, or probably there is some?)

(the website processwire.com is »from developers for developers«.
it would be great though to have a bit more direction towards »from developers for editors / clients«.
because processwire is really easy to use and easy to adopt for editors / clients. this could be more focused.)


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