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Field of class FieldtypeURL not working?


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I have a template with a field called website, the field is of class FieldtypeURL.

Now its weird, I expect if I add a page and fill the website field with a non-valid URL I would get

an error or notification of some sort, but it doesn't? It just saves the page!

Any explanation?



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You are right, that would make sense. :) See the latest commit, it contains updates to the FieldtypeURL/InputfieldURL so that it reports errors as you would expect. Note that it still saves the page, but it will now at least tell you about the error. I'll be adding an additional javascript validation option for Inputfields once we enable required fields.



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Weird, I can't seem to get it working, what am I doing wrong? I'm not getting notified if I fill in

a non-valid url, for instance: htp:/rosebrand

I updated my wire directory with the latest commit.



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The specs on what is considered a valid URL are apparently very broad. I've had the same experience in being a little surprised at what PHP's filter_var URL filtering allows. But apparently it is based on a defined  ISO (?) standard. If you put some extended ASCII or accented characters in there, you'll see the URL filtering get involved. We may want to implement a more defined URL filter specific to just http/s (perhaps as a configuration option for this fieldtype). Also double check that you have relative urls turned off in the field's configuration, as it may help in this particular case (though not yet at a computer to test).

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