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Customise admin navigation to help identify current instance


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I wonder whether it is possible to customise the admin navigation in a way that makes it easier to distinguish one ProcessWire instance from another. What I have in mind, is a small image/icon somewhere in the top navigation bar, which visually identifies the current project (see attachment). That would help a lot! Is it possible?


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You should be able to hook into AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup and add your image to $extras["masthead"] (untested):

$wire->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', function($event) {
  $extras = $event->return;
  $extras['masthead'] .= ' <img src="path/to/your/logo.png">';
  $event->return = $extras;

You can look into AdminThemeDefault/default.php to see where the different extras are used.

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@BitPoet thanks for your quick reply!

The genaral approach works, which is great! However, this hook adds the <img> as the first element in the #masthead. What I would like to achieve is, adding something like <li><img src="path/to/your/logo.png"></li> as the last element in #topnav. What needs to be changed?

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Ah, didn't look which admin theme you're using. Hooking into AdminThemeRenoHelpers::topNavItems should be the way to go.

$wire->addHookAfter('AdminThemeRenoHelpers::topNavItems', function($event) {
  $out = $event->return;
  $out .= '<li><img src="path/to/your/logo.png"></li>';
  $event->return = $out;


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Sorry, didn't mention I was using Reno. Now it works. Thank you very much!

I added styling for the image with the help of the Admin Custom Files module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-custom-files/). Is there another/better/recommended way to go?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still unsure, so I'd like to ask again: I added styling for the image with the help of the Admin Custom Files module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-custom-files/). Is there another/better/recommended way to go?

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