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concatenated filters


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I want to make a filter with concatenated criteria for cars

for example

brand: Ford, Chevrolet, Fiat

models: Mustang, Corvette, Fiat 500

year: 1980, 2001, 2003

and clicking at Ford, in models should only be Mustang

Each car is loaded as a subpage of Cars and the search criteria are fields page

Similar to Refine search from



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There are a number of ways to do this, but for the purposes of an example, lets look at your first one: Brand.

Lets say you've got your brands as pages here:





Your search form might look like this:

$checkedBrands = $input->whitelist('brands'); 
if(!is_array($checkedBrands)) $checkedBrands = array();

foreach($pages->get('/brands/')->children as $brand) {
 if(in_array($brand->id, $checkedBrands)) $checked = " checked='checked'";
 echo "<label><input type='checkbox' name='brands[]' value='{$brand->id}' $checked> {$brand->title}</label>"; 

And your search processor might look like this:

$selector = ''; 

if(is_array($input->get->brands)) {
 $brands = array();
 foreach($input->get->brands as $brand) $brands[] = (int) $brand; 
 $input->whitelist('brands', $brands); 
 if(count($brands)) $selector .= "brands=" . implode('|', $brands) . ", ";

$vehicles = $pages->find("template=vehicle, $selector"); 

Now when it comes to showing something like models, you'd either want the models to have a page reference selecting a brand they relate to, or you'd want to make the models children of the brand. That should make it fairly easy to determine your models once you know the brands:

$models = new PageArray();
foreach($brands as $brand) {
 $models->import($pages->get((int) $brand)->children); 
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