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Inputfield Dependencies with multiple conditions


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Hi Guys

Do you know how I could do multiple conditions (OR) with the Inputfield Dependencies with the Form API? At the moment I am doing this but that doesn't work:

        $showIfSelector = "";
        foreach ($optionsArray as $list_id => $values) {
            $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldSelect");
            $field->label = "Field Parameter";
            $field->attr("name", "fieldParam_".$list_id);
            //$field->columnWidth = 40;
            $field->showIf = "list_id=$list_id,  method_recipient=groupSegment";
            foreach ($values as $optgroup => $fieldValues) {
              if(array_key_exists($optgroup, $values)){
                 $field->addOption($optgroup, $fieldValues);

            $showIfSelector .= "fieldParam_$list_id%=mergefield, ";


        $showIfSelector = trim($showIfSelector, ", ");

        $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldSelect");
        $field->label = "Logical Operator";
        $field->attr("name", "operatorParamSeg_".$list_id);
            'is' => "is",
            'not' => "is not",
            'contains' => "contains",
            'notcontain' => "does not contain",
            'starts' => "starts with",
            'ends' => "ends with",
            'greater' => "is greater than",
            'less' => "is less than",
            'blank' => "is blank",
            'blank_not' => "is not blank"
        $field->showIf = "list_id=$list_id, method_recipient=groupSegment, $showIfSelector";

        $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldText");
        $field->label = "Search Parameter";
        $field->attr("name", "searchParam_".$list_id);
        $field->showIf = "list_id=$list_id, method_recipient=groupSegment, $showIfSelector";

I am generating multiple Selects for my different Values. Everytime I select a List, it would show me the right fieldParam Field with the right mergefields and groups values.

So at the moment I have multiple "names" which containe the phrase fieldParam + _listID. So I create a showIfSelector Var which will be filled with all possible conditions for every Select. After that i give the $showIfSelector to my showIf option inside "operatorParamSeg" and "searchParam" Inputfield. Now It should show me the operator select and the search inputfield everytime when i Select a mergefield in the fieldParam. With this way I don't have to render the search and operator Inputfield multiple times inside the foreach.

PS: I know my English is terrible at the moment because I am not focused. Why I am not focused? Because I am tired. Why I am tired? Because I have watched to much series last night.

Greetings Orkun

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