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Multisite Error


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I am trying to setup multi sites in accordance with this article - https://processwire.com/api/modules/multi-site-support/

I am using option 1, multiple sites with multiple databases. I have created a new processwire installation at http://broxden.biz/tmp and it works ok. I have created a folder called site-starter1 which is in the root of broxden.biz and I have copied the files from the site folder of my /tmp installation to that folder.

I have moved the index.config.php file from the wire folder to the root level and I have edited it as follows:

function ProcessWireHostSiteConfig() {

        return array(

                 * Some Examples (you should remove/replace them if used).
		 * Just note that the values must begin with 'site-'.
                 'startup-juice.co.uk' => 'site-suj',
                 'starter.broxden.biz' => 'site-starter',
                 'starter1.broxden.biz' => 'site-starter1',
                 'foundation6.broxden.biz' => 'site-foundation6',
	         'guesthouse.broxden.biz' => 'site-guesthouse',

		 * Default for all others (typically /site/)
		'*' => 'site',



I have also created a subdomain in cpanel for each of the subdomains listed above pointing to the various sub-folders.

When I try to access starter1.broxden.biz, I get the following:



You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Have I missed something out? Any suggestions gratefully received.


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I have also created a subdomain in cpanel for each of the subdomains listed above pointing to the various sub-folders.

Your subdomains should point to the same document root where all the ProcessWire files are in (.htaccess, index.php, site, site-starter1 etc.), not to the site folders

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