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Pagination combine scripts


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Is it possible to combine these two scripts. One for automatically create rows in foundation in combination with pagination.

$columns = $page->children;
    $colcount = $columns->count();
	$i = 1;
	echo '<div class="row">';
	foreach ($columns as $column) {
	    if($i == $colcount){
                 echo "<div class='medium-4 columns end'>
		<a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>";       
            } else {
                 echo "<div class='medium-4 columns'>
		<a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>";
	if($i % 3 == 0) {echo '</div></div><div class="row">';}	

	else {echo '</div>';}	

	echo '</div>';

This pagination I found in the docs.

$results = $page->children("id>1, limit=5, sort=title");
$pagination = $results->renderPager();
echo "<ul>";
foreach($results as $result) {
    echo "<li>{$result->title}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo $pagination; 
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I'm not sure what you're trying to achive; but if you want to have your first example in combination with the pagination, you could do it like this:

$pageItems  = 10;
$columns    = $page->children('limit='.$pageItems);
$colcount   = $columns->count();
$pagination = $columns->renderPager();
$i = 1;
echo '<div class="row">';
foreach ($columns as $column) {
	if($i == $colcount){
		echo "<div class='medium-4 columns end'>
				<a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>";       
		} else {
			 echo "<div class='medium-4 columns'>
				<a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>";
	if($i % 3 == 0) {
		echo '</div></div><div class="row">';
	} else {
		echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
// new row with on col span full width for the pager; change according to your layout
echo '<div class="row">';
echo '<div class="medium-12 columns">';
echo $pagination;
echo '</div></div>';

You could save some lines of code if you catch the class for the last column instead of if/else the nearly identical lines:

$pageItems  = 10;
$columns    = $page->children('limit='.$pageItems);
$colcount   = $columns->count();
$pagination = $columns->renderPager();
$i = 1;
echo '<div class="row">';
foreach ($columns as $column) {
	$colClass = 'medium-4 columns';
	if($i == $colcount){
		$colClass .= ' end';
	echo "<div class='{$colClass}'>
		<a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>";
	if($i % 3 == 0) {
		echo '</div></div><div class="row">';
	} else {
		echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="row">';
echo '<div class="medium-12 columns">';
echo $pagination;
echo '</div></div>';



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Most popular frameworks have inflexible grids as they are based on floats and need row markup. I would go for a inline-block grid in most / all cases.

Inline-block grids don't need rows to function but you can use them when you wish. Full browser support ie8 and up.

Here's a grid made by Nicolas Gallagher (Writer of the micro clearfix)


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I'am now building the page in blocks. In total I have 8 children, so it results gets sorted into two pages. However, the link '2' and 'next' don't work. What did I miss.

$blocks = $page->children("limit=6");
$pagination = $blocks->renderPager();

echo "<ul class='medium-block-grid-3'>";
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
echo "<li><a href='{$block->url}'><img src='{$block->webshop_child->first()->url}' /></a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo $pagination;
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You have to enable the pagination in your backend-template_

"Enabling Pagination
    Make sure the "Pager" (MarkupPagerNav) module is installed in Admin > Modules. If it's not installed, click the Install link next to it.
    Determine what template(s) you want to use pagination with. Go to Admin > Setup > Templates > [Your Template] > URLs, and check the box for: Allow Page Numbers. Save.
    Pagination should now be enabled and ready to use in your templates." (http://processwire.com/api/modules/markup-pager-nav/)


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